Category: Uncategorized

Preaching to the Demons?

This is Yaye Sai, who was featured in our newsletter a few months ago. She is the grandmother of one of our disciples. God helped her supernaturally out of debt a few months ago. Her husband passed away a few years ago and had some debt with the bank. There was no way she could pay it. So she asked…

Dreaming BIG

As I am preparing myself to leave for the mission field in Thailand in just less than two weeks, I have something God heavily dropped into my heart. I believe I will carry this for the rest of my life. I will never do anything in my life without first considering this truth that God has spoken to me about.…

Quick Rundown on the Thailand Trip

After spending some days resting, attending some amazing meetings where God spoke about my future, and even getting a small concussion from petting a cat, I have settled back into Houston. God has birthed something in my heart that I hope I can bring back to Thailand and help shake the country for Jesus. He changed me forever and I’ll never forget…


It’s been some time since I last posted anything, but many great things have happened since then. The end of the year posed more busy days for me than I realized. From finals to graduation, to raising funds in a very small time frame, to getting prepared for Thailand – I had, and have, much work to do. My deadline…

Return to Thailand

When I landed in Thailand this past summer of 2015, my spirit resonated the moment I touched the ground. I knew I was coming back and I knew God was calling me to this area of the world. Something about it just excited me to no end and in the end, I knew that was God saying “Hey, this is…

The Little Things

Just the other day, I was taking a friend over to the Gateway Church office in Southlake, Texas when I encountered someone that impacted me with such few words. I drove up to the office and told my friend that I would drop him off and head to Starbucks while he was in his meeting. He responded by saying there…

Gospel Crusade 2015

I was very privileged to be at Reinhard Bonnke’s Gospel Crusade in Houston, Texas. This was an experience definitely worth driving down for. So I had come knowing that this event was going to be like no other, but I didn’t really know to what extent. Reinhard Bonnke came and pushed a message out on everyone there, arriving right at…