Preaching to the Demons?

This is Yaye Sai, who was featured in our newsletter a few months ago. She is the grandmother of one of our disciples. God helped her supernaturally out of debt a few months ago. Her husband passed away a few years ago and had some debt with the bank. There was no way she could pay it. So she asked…

The Bucket List

2018 is here! At the beginning of the year, I went on a 21-day fast with the organization I work with here in Thailand. During this time, God spoke to me about this blog a little bit. This blog is intended to inspire. So I will begin writing each month about my walk in missions, and hopefully, people will look…

October 2017

Hey guys! From steps of faith, to a conference where pastors were ministered to from Southeast Asia, to building connections with people from all over the world, October was an incredible month. Here’s a summary: A Prophetic Prayer Conference was held in Chiang Rai, Thailand to minister to pastors from all over Southeast Asia. I began working in local outreaches to the villages around Chiang Rai…

September 2017

September Newsletter   Hey guys! The past few weeks have been amazing! From reaching to youth from all over Southeast Asia to getting adapted to the culture and geography here, I have been getting acquainted quite well with this country and ministry. Doing work like this gets me excited for the ministry and work coming in the later years. Many…

Telling the Storm to Calm Yourself

I have been closely studying the Gospels lately and God has shown me many great things. Something especially eye-catching to me was the revelation of what was really going on during the story of Jesus calming the storm. Was Jesus’ first desire for us to always wake Him up when a storm arises or was He implying something deeper here?…

Dreaming BIG

As I am preparing myself to leave for the mission field in Thailand in just less than two weeks, I have something God heavily dropped into my heart. I believe I will carry this for the rest of my life. I will never do anything in my life without first considering this truth that God has spoken to me about.…

Breaking Fear

For years public speaking has had me on edge. I have preached entire services before, but fear and nervousness still always engulfs me beforehand. This time, that wasn’t the case. Why? Because it was my choice. My whole life up until a few weeks ago was filled with dreading being up in the front of attention where everyone is looking.…

“Yes” Looks Like Something

Over the past few months, I have been traveling a lot. From Houston to Jacksonville, to Dallas to Tampa, a lot has been going on. Fundraising has become my current life status, and that isn’t a bad thing. I’ve learned a lot along the way. One major thing I’ve come across is the revelation of what it means to say…

The 10 Second Gap

Faith. We all know faith is somehow intertwined with anything and everything regarding the kingdom. But as far as faith for believing for something to come to pass, we miss an important part of the process: the challenge, or resistance. A couple of days ago I got a word from the Lord at a Sunday church service. For the past…